Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Looks as though another dead squirrel article was being posted by the Lowell Sun at approximately the same time that I was posting about the other two articles I found jumping on the bandwagon of this short-lived phenomenon. And still no definitive word on what went down in Michigan, according to The Holland Sentinel: "Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Biologist Nik Kalejs reports test results on stomach contents and tissue samples of squirrel specimens returned 'negative' in Michigan State University laboratory testing and a secondary lab. 'Whatever happened, it must be over,' Mahoney said. 'I don't know how to describe it. I think it's encouraging, but we'll have to see what happens with these tests.'" The evident lack of information sharing between Kalejs and Mahoney does not inspire much hope that an answer to this mystery is going to surface anytime soon.


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