Tuesday, April 25, 2006

So, in response to reader Teresa S.'s commentary, yes indeed our new house is very cute! And, unfortunately, I don't actually own any Jandek myself, but Our Lady of the Squirrels might somewhere, so we'll keep you posted if something turns up as the unpacking continues. That whole film festival I mentioned last week turned out to be super awesome by the way, as expected. The Beaver Trilogy is definitely something to be seen if you ever get the chance, especially the first part, and the Jeff Krulik and Chuck Statler programs were also quite excellent. AND, not entirely surprisingly given that he's from D.C., Jeff Krulik (the man behind Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Ernest Borgnine on the Bus, and many other films - most if not all of which can be viewed on his website) knew Frances, a fact she herself was unaware of until she went up to ask him a question after his films had been shown on Saturday night. He was there the following night introducing Chuck Statler too and we talked to him a little bit again - he's a really nice guy, offered congratulations on our upcoming nuptials, got O.L.o.t.S.'s email from her... so that was cool! Plus the Chuck Statler program included the video for "He Can't Love You" by the Michael Stanley Band, which I had completely forgotten about since it was on the radio circa 1980 but totally remember now, as you will too if you were listening to the radio then and can find a soundclip or mp3 somewhere (I just got it off Limewire myself). In short - recommended! And now I must return to some working - Happy National Plumber's Day!


Blogger Stewf said...

Trent Harris is the best thing that ever came out of my hometown of Salt Lake City.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh I hope Stewf sees this ---> there's a movie about Mormons/Salt Lake City etc that I briefly saw part of--just enough to want to see more, but not enough to know the title---anyway, it's an indie film, explains the whole "Plates" thing with Mormonism, the main character is female and she rides a bike and yes, I'm afraid this description is convoluted and hopeless but....
(Frances aka Our Lady of the Squirrels)

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess this coComment thing actually works sometimes. Hi Frances. I think you're thinking of Harris' Plan 10 from Outer Space.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which I have not seen, criminally. My friend and film buff Jeremy Mathews solved the puzzle.

1:33 PM  

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