Thursday, March 23, 2006

I've got a few backlogged tips that I need to get to as I slowly return to the blogosphere - I've just been so excited about DEV2.0 recently that nothing else has seemed to matter. But first I'd like to share the best new Portland news story, since it's not getting much attention so far beyond the local Fox Newschannel 12. I'll introduce the story by copying two short items from the newschannel's affiliated radio station, and then you can find a more detailed story from the t.v. news folks here, including a photo of the suspect. An important lesson that I think can be learned from this story: if you find yourself in need of child care, take a good look at the guy running the daycare center. Does he look like this guy? If so, you may wish to pursue other options.

Two girls walking to school near North Alaska and Chautauqua Thursday morning said a man approached them in a blue Honda and told them to get in. Jeff Norton has a daughter at Portsmouth middle school. "It's bad, it scares me. I mean, that's her friend and I give her rides to MAX and stuff, too." Though police won't link him directly to case, at least publicly, 63-year-old Sean Shanley was arrested at about the same time for attempted rape and attempted kidnapping. One girl said she knows who he is. "He exposed himself, like, you know, like his front part to me." Neighbors said they've called police on Shanley after seeing him jogging in his underwear. One man said he's seen Shanley running with a Superman cape around his shoulders.

'Superman' had unlicensed daycare in his home. The man accused of trying to kidnap and rape two middle schoolers apparently had an unlicensed daycare in his North Portland home. Neighbors say they haven't seen any kids around Shawn Shanley's home since he was arrested last week. One neighbor told FOX 12 it's long overdue. "I thought that they shouldn't be running one a long time ago, especially after he started acting weird." An ad for their 24-hour daycare was found on an Internet newsletter and this woman said Shanley showed up on their porch. "My son was talking about him coming over in his underpants and a black cape."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! There's no mention,like there was on the Big Fancy TV News, of him actually *walking around sucking on a pacifier* .

But I am intrigued by the print details of:
"The documents also show that during an interview with police, Shanley allegedly told a female officer to "urinate on his face."
Also in the documents, police say during a traffic stop Shanley's pants unzipped and that he had olive oil on his face, neck and hands and that he told police, "he was looking for a woman."

But most shocking of all is that this took place in N Portland, not Gresham.


2:46 PM  

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