Friday, April 15, 2005

Now part 3; I'm not going to be able to get through everything before end of day, it appears, so let me begin with the continuing fishy behavior from the Magna 3 Alliance (or at least Alex). To get anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about up to speed, before the pizza task Bren, Alex, and Kendra were seen secretly huddling and making an "all for one, one for all, go us" pact of some sort, and then Alex went over to the other team and just stood around not answering the phone and chatting up spokesmodels, helping lead them to a loss which got Stephanie Myers fired. This week Net Worth again got to pick someone from Magna and they went with Bren, leading to a very excited Chris Shelton to go on about how he couldn't believe that it was the three guys together at last, while Bren and Alex evilly chuckled along, knowing that as soon as they returned to the boardroom Chris would be getting canned, and they were going to make sure they would be seeing that boardroom (and Net Worth losing would also mean Kendra making the final four; if this is a grand conspiracy then the plan would now be for Net Worth to win next week which would leave only one non-alliance member of the final four, but as explained in pt. 1, I don't see that happening). Here's what went down: Alex was put in charge of the interior shots of the car, and was given specific instructions for a few details that they really wanted to have for their brochure. Bren, on his way out to research the car in order to write their copy, even tells Chris, "He's got this, don't even worry about him". Then Chris gets back after the shoot and asks if he got ANY of these must-have shots. "Oh, no, there wasn't time, I was too busy getting these really awful shots of this cheesy-cake model sitting on the hood to do any of that." Based on his lackadaisical attitude here and two weeks back, either Alex is a lazy moron or he's sandbagging - clearly I choose the latter. Bren also wrote some obviously bad copy, but lawyers do write in a really boring technical manner, so I'm not sure if that is proof that he wasn't trying. Ok, I must flee this office in 8 minutes, so I will post this now and the fourth and final installment will have to be completed at home (and it will be, either tonight or this weekend, no joke).


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