Thursday, April 14, 2005

I was looking at my bookshelves last night to see if I could find something different to scan in for hygiene week, and when my eye fell upon the shelves housing my 50 bajillion Peanuts books I immediately thought of Pigpen. The only problem is that I never find the strips with Pigpen to be very funny - there are basically only two scenarios that he appears in, either Violet and Patty (non-peppermint) are discussing how dirty he is and then he says something like "At least my conscience is clean" or he's digging dirty candy or something out of his pocket and making Charlie Brown feel ill. Charles Schultz didn't really find him funny either: "Pig Pen is kind of a nuisance. Everybody kind of likes Pig Pen. I don't like to draw him. He's only useful if you have him involved in dust and being dirty. I don't have many ideas on that; I ran out of these. And I don't even enjoy them. Now and then I think I ought to draw him, but my mind doesn't work in that vein, but people are always saying, 'Why don't you draw Pig Pen?'" While flipping through my books, though, I found this strip which makes up for not being particularly humorous with its historical uniqueness - which you would find very interesting if you were as lamely into Peanuts minutia as I am, let me tell you. To the best of my knowledge this is the only time that Pigpen was ever shown clean. [UPDATE: Okay, now the I have finished reading the first three volumes of The Complete Peanuts my knowledge has improved to the point that I am aware Pigpen was shown clean numerous times. Live and learn.]


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