Monday, April 18, 2005

Here's how I envision the events leading up to this frame: these four elves marching under the clover banner showed up in Washington looking for Uncle Sam. "Say, Uncle Sam, we was thinkin'... since we got them injuns fairly licked, maybe we oughtta go and fight Canada for a spell." "Why, I think that's a fine idea, boys," said Uncle Sam, "And I am certain you can best them, too, for you've got the manifest destiny, see?" Then in this panel the elves are saying, "Aw, gee! But our uncle said we was gonna whup you," while Uncle Sam chuckles at them behind their elfin backs. By the way, can anyone explain to me why the U.S. is represented by elves flying a four-leaf clover flag in this Canadian cartoon? I like it a lot, but it makes absolutely no sense to me. Was there some thwarted 4-H invasion plot which has been covered up by our government but is well known to Canadian schoolchildren?


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