Tuesday, February 08, 2005

In addition to my will to write and inclination to move, this illness is also sapping my sense of smell. Coincidentally, I also recently had a conversation about this state which led to a little research into what I've discovered is called anosmia (really I think it's probably only called that if you never have a sense of smell and not just if a respiratory infection has caused the sense to take a brief vacation, although it does say in this article that the condition sometimes begins this way...) There was a girl in my dormitory during freshman year of college who had no sense of smell, but this interesting trait was overshadowed by the fact that she had also gone to Concord High School, where doomed astronaut Christa McAuliffe had taught, so finding out more about what it's like not to smell always took a back seat to finding out what it's like to watch one of your teachers blow up (the answer, as I recall: not so great).


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