Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The tipline has been quiet in recent weeks, which along with my holiday fluster and vacationing has made things relatively sparse here lately except for the advent calendar (which is evidently not entirely unpopular if reader Kirra B. is to be believed). But big news comes down the pike today from reader Mike A.: the new coach of the beloved Brooklyn Cyclones is none other than Mookie Wilson! Besides having one of the best names ever, in or out of baseball, Mookie is also probably my all-time favorite Met (if you don't count Mr. Met). Granted, I've never really liked the Mets at all so that's not saying a whole lot, but I do like their single A farm team, and I am always a strong believer in promoting someone from within the organization, as I think I have made clear in the past... Anyhow, it will be even more of a treat to head down to Coney Island to see a few games next summer now, so congratulations Mookie and hoorah Cyclones.


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