Friday, November 19, 2004

Ok, enough about dreams, it is proving impossible to manage a nap with the ReFoxed TV here turned up as loud as it is today. Maintaining some continuity from freaky dream interpretation, though, let's take a look at my horoscope for today (and just in case not everyone finds someone else's horoscope as entertaining as I do, which I suppose could be possible, the link at the bottom will lead you to a pretty cool and completely unrelated website).

Start communicating your ideas and plans for the future. You get people's attention, even if you are voicing an unpopular sentiment. Keep in mind that your thoughts might be more advanced than others are used to, but the resistance you receive from your peers should not dissuade you. In between sighs, you'll realize that you've made some very serious plans - some very positive plans. Don't worry about things working out badly. You're packing just the right combination of fantasy and reality to make it all work out perfectly. Funny: An opinion you thought was solid as rock turns out to be as soft as sand.


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