Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I've got a little bit of everything today, squirrel news, celebrity gossip, scientifical info, personal insight, AND blog-specific news, but Blogger has been down all morning so I've had to keep it all bottled up until now. Since I just mentioned Blogger I guess it makes sense to lead off with the blogcentric portion. As at least one reader noticed yesterday, we have been hit with our first instance of blog comment spam, which can still be seen in the comments to the last post from yesterday because I am currently unable to delete comments. I've contacted the Blogger support team and hope to get some answer on how to combat this (and get this "Emily" kicked the hell off the service) before it continues and I have to disable the comments completely. I guess maybe this comes from getting around 1,300 hits a month (which I'm sure isn't really a lot but seems pretty good for this squirreliness). Which reminds me, if you've never clicked on the counter down at the bottom it takes you to the counter sponsor (I have no idea why anyone would click on it, so it seems like a pretty poor way to advertise something), which is a fine looking ladder. I can't claim to have any hands on experience with this ladder, but I like that it's our counter sponsor and encourage you to check it out. Lastly, while trying to find out more about this blog spamming yesterday I came upon the website for the Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards 2004, where I was suprised to see IAAFOTS nominated in two categories. I have no idea who out there nominated me, but if you're reading this, thanks! There's no way I'll actually be winning, I'm sure, but it really is just an honor to be nominated. And that seems like a good segue into the celebrity gossip...


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