Tuesday, May 25, 2004

For a change of pace, today we are going to learn about a place that only wildlife with a serious love of toxicity would choose to call home, my neighbor the Newtown Creek. It's not mentioned for some reason, but the Squirrel's Nest is located in between the J.J. Byrne Memorial Bridge and the Penny Bridge, a few blocks south of the crick. There are a few factoids they don't mention in the tour, the most useful being that at the end of the parking lot of the Greenpoint Manufacturing & Design Center you'll find the only place I've found that you can actually get down by the water. Also unmentioned is the huge lake of oil that lies underneath this northern tip of Greenpoint. Someone a few years back discovered it when they noticed some oil draining out of a pipe into the Newtown Creek; upon investigation it turned out that the 17 million gallon leak covers 55 acres of subterranean Ponte Verde and has probably been leaking out of the oil plants above since the 1950's. Finally, they also leave out the formerly most recognizable landmark, the other twin towers that were blown up in 2001. They do have a photo of the mysterious Miller Building, though, a structure I have a particular fondness for (it's been misplaced in the caption, however, it's right next to the J.J. Byrne rather than the Kosciusko).


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